If you’ve applied for a job with USPS, you might have noticed the status “offer phase ext” and wondered what that meant. Although this status suggests you’re nearing the end of the USPS hiring process, it doesn’t guarantee you’ve been hired just yet.

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usps careers apply

To help USPS applicants understand this condition, we’ll define “offer phase ext,” go over the essential milestones in the recruiting process, and address some commonly asked issues in this post.

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There are several screening steps in the USPS hiring process before a formal job offer is made. Below is a high-level overview of the key stages:
  • Background check
  • Interview 
  • Online application and postal exam
  • Fingerprinting
  • Medical assessment
  • Drug screening
  • Final offer phase (Background check clears)
According to the status “offer phase ext,” you passed the preliminary screening and are awaiting a formal job offer while you wait for the findings of the most recent background check.

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If you see the status “offer phase ext,” it indicates that the postal position you applied for seems to be a suitable fit for your application. You’ve cleared the first round of screening, which included a background check and postal exam.
But, “offer phase ext” does not imply that you have received a formal employment offer from the USPS. This status means that, subject to the conclusion of all pre-hire checks, you are in the final offer stage.


The post office wishes to perform a thorough eligibility and suitability assessment prior to making a formal job offer to you. “Offer phase ext” indicates that your application is probably being considered by USPS hiring staff for a final decision, even if you haven’t heard from them directly yet.


The recruiting process with the USPS can take six weeks to six months to finish all the steps. This is an example of a typical timeline:
  • Screens and exams: 4-6 weeks
  • Interview(s): 2–4 weeks following tests or screenings
  • Review of applications: 2-4 weeks
  • Examine medically: 1-2 weeks following the interview
  • Review of the final offer: 2–8 weeks
You’re in the final offer review stage if you see “offer phase ext.” This could take a few weeks or even months while USPS finishes their thorough background investigation. Between the time of the application and the final job offer, the hiring procedure can take up to three months.

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  • You are awaiting a final evaluation after passing the first round of screenings if you are in the offer phase ext.
  • It does not certain that USPS will extend a formal job offer to you.
  • Background checks for final offer reviews can take four to eight weeks to finish.
  • Be patient and frequently check your email for instructions.
  • Make sure you fulfil all USPS standards and that your application is accurate.
  • Utilize this time to familiarize yourself with USPS policies, train for training needs, and get ready for postal tests.


For USPS applicants, the following are the answers to some commonly asked queries regarding what “offer phase ext” means:

What does EXT mean on background check?

“Hired on Other Requisition (ext)” usually indicates that you were selected for a job from another job posting.

What does EXT mean?

EXT mean is extension.

What is the meaning of background check?

A background check is a procedure used by an organization or individual to make sure that a person is who they say they are. It offers the chance to examine and validate the accuracy of someone’s criminal history, educational background, work history, and other past actions.

What does ext mean on a job application?

When you see “Requisition Closed (ext)” on a job application, it usually indicates that the position you applied for is no longer open to outside candidates. This can be because the company’s hiring needs have changed, an internal candidate has taken over the role, or for other reasons.

How do I check my criminal record in USA?

Visit the local police department in the area where you currently reside or were last seen in the United States. Ask the officers to perform a state or local criminal records search and to present you with a document attesting to the absence of any criminal past

Is there a background check for US visa?

There are two categories of clearance for these background checks: criminal and national security. They are required to protect the security of individuals within the US and to guarantee that the beneficiary is qualified to receive the benefits upon visa approval.

What if I’ve been in offer phase ext for weeks?

Keep calm. It may take 4–8 weeks for the final review. Check your email and exercise patience.

When will I receive my orientation date?

A formal job offer will be followed by an email with an orientation letter 1-2 weeks later.

Does offer phase ext mean I got the job? 

Possibly not. A formal offer is almost here, but it’s still awaiting a last inspection. Control your expectations.

What if I’m not contacted after offer phase ext?

If after eight weeks you still haven’t heard anything, get in touch with the postal facility you applied to.

Can I fail at this stage?

It is likely that you won’t receive a formal offer if there are problems with your background investigation. Make that your application is correct.

How many days to wait after application?

In an Accountemps poll of over 300 HR managers, 36% of participants stated that it is ideal for candidates to follow up with their application one to two weeks after submitting their résumé. 29% of respondents indicated that you should follow up a week after submitting your application.

Should I email after applying?

It’s usually acceptable to send a follow-up email one to two weeks after submitting your application, unless the job posting specifies a different timeframe for the hiring process. This gives potential employers enough time to go over your cover letter, résumé, and any other documents you’ve attached.

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